Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ethics in infofmation systems Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethics in infofmation systems - Term Paper Example However, in order to prevent customer data, a number of strategies can be defined are demonstrated below: Persistently maintaining data protection controls and procedures aiding in optimum data integrity An incident response plan that can be triggered, whenever a security breach is found within the network or servers maintaining customer data. An intelligent spyware, ad-ware and antivirus installation on workstations, in order to protect threats emerging from a workstation within the network. Moreover, information technology facilitates CRM to maintain data in databases including customer names, contact details, buying history and usability of services. Likewise, the information retrieved from databases connected to CRM provides personalized processes for an organization to target customers. Likewise, the personalized processes provide value for the customers along with increment in customer loyalty for the organization (Payne & Frow, 2006). For instance, notifications of new service s and products are transmitted via emails; short message services (SMS), phone calls, or WAP services. Consequently, customers are updated related to new services and products (Buttle, Ang, & Iriana, 2006). ... In order to evaluate the value for customers, they need to demonstrate at least one of the three factors listed below (Buttle, Ang, & Iriana, 2006): Customers demonstrating significant life time value Customers demonstrating targeting other customers Customers encouraging modification of suppliers In order to disseminate customer information, cookies can be used, as they are isolated with textual information that is redirected from the web server to a web browser. Likewise, the cookies that are transmitted via hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) are responsible for authenticating, tracking, and managing precise information related to the user. For instance, they can manage precise information related to site preferences and data associated with shopping carts (Cookie.2007, n.d). 2 Legislation and Other Policy 2.1 Associated and Applicable Legislation To sidestep for any legal issues or security breaches, organization needs to define, document and demonstrate compliance with all applic able statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements for each information system. Owners of the systems must take advice from the information security officers for all issues related to Legal and security information. Local regulations must be addressed that are applicable where data is handled, stored or protected. Likewise, legal officer of the organization will examine applicable laws and regulations of policies at different regions. The legal officer will consult chief information security officer for establishing required exceptions to policies and specific policies to different regions. 2.2 Intellectual Property Rights All employees at the organization will conform to the legal

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Investing Money towards Retirement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Investing Money towards Retirement - Essay Example In the United States traditionally parents assume the cost of putting their kids through college. Financing the college education of two kids can become a very expensive ordeal. Like most working adults Sam is struggling to get by, but he realizes he has to start saving towards these two goals or he won’t have enough time left to accomplish his goals. Sam’s master plan entails saving $150 a month for the foreseeable future in order to put his two kids through college and to be able to retire at the age of 60. His two kids are age 3 and 8 years old. Assuming his two kids will start college at the age of 18 like most teenagers Sam will have to start spending money on college tuition 10 years from now. Sam’s plan of saving 150 a month implies he will save $1,800 a year. Assuming he leaves the money in the bank and makes 1% rate on his saving Sam will have 10 years from now $18,919.25. This amount of money is not sufficient to put his elder kid through four years of college. Sam needs to make adjustments to his plan. The simplest way to adjust his plan is by making better investment options that will allow Sam to make a higher return on his investment. Depending on the banking industry for long-range savings is not a wise move due to the extremely low-interest-rate that this industry offers. Typically interest earns on a banking account is not sufficient enough to offset inflation. Mr. Johnson has to start an investment plan that is aligned with his long-term financial goals. Investing money is not a rocket science, but it requires a person to get educated on financial tools such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Common stocks are one of the simplest types of investment options. A common stock is the transfer of a piece of ownership in a company in exchange for cash.  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Hegemony Of Imperial Rule English Literature Essay

The Hegemony Of Imperial Rule English Literature Essay It shall be prudent to begin by giving a brief definition of what is meant by colonial discourse before looking at the texts. Colonial Discourse the way in which the hegemony of imperial rule is conveyed within the text as a set of values, representations and beliefs that reinforce the ideology. It is a term brought into currency by Edward Said who saw Foucaults notion of a disclosure as valuable for describing that system within which that range of practices termed colonial come into being.  [1]   George Orwells Burmese Days has an array of imperialistic views which are held in opposing views with the main character, Flory, branding it the lie that were here to uplift our poor black brothers rather than rob them. Flory describes imperialism as the lie that were here to uplift our poor black brothers rather than to rob them  [2]   Colonial discourse is key within the novel which as a result raises the question of identity and binary oppositions. None more so than in the case of Flory, in one breathe an honourable english gentleman enjoying the riches his new cultures has to offer and in the next berating the dirty nigger and bathing in the relief of being out of the stink for a time.  [3]   Flory is a contradiction who is torn between his British roots and his love of the Burmese culture, this love is shown via his friendship with Dr Veraswami. Flory is the personification of Gramscis idea of Imperial ideology as he believes that the discourse providing the hegemony is right yet he faces an ideological struggle within himself due to his love of his new culture. It can be argued that due to his steadfast dedication to the British Empire, for whom he works, he is a loyal imperialist and is comfortable using and exploiting the Burmese for his own gain aswell as trying to impose his superior worth and colonise the Burmese. With his desire to do this along with integrating himself into the Burmese way of life he succeeds merely in creating a juxtaposition coupled with binary opposition that ultimately leads to his demise. Heart of darkness Heart of Darkness is part of a colonial discourse in which the African is represented by the European as savage, exotic, cannibal, primitive they did not eat each other before my face page 93 critics such as Chin Achebe in his essay An Image of Africa looked upon Conrads Heart of Darkness as a racist novel. He believed Conrad was using Africa as a prop in order to create a foil for Europe (always viewed through Europeans eyes). Achebe believed that Conrad was making generalizations about Africa, therefore also assuming that Conrad was the character of Marlow in the novel (through Marlows narration). In the novel, Achebe believed Europe came across as well developed, industrialized, and articulate while Africa was uncivilized, underdeveloped, unintelligible and animalistic The term colonial discourse was coined by Edward Syiad, it is the habit of representation as colonial posers represent cultures they encounter through imperialism. The men who work for the Company describe what they do as trade, and their treatment of native Africans is part of a benevolent project of civilization.Kurtz, on the other hand, is open about the fact that he does not trade but rather takes ivory by force, and he describes his own treatment of the natives with the words suppression and extermination:he does not hide the fact that he rules through violence and intimidation. Kurtz on the other hand shows no remorse whatsoever. He holds the absolute essential view to exterminate all the blacks. He holds the ideology of making the black race extinct. Hes a ruthless ivory trader, and arranges for the dead heads to displayed on poles. The white race use crude violence, and brute force. Very occasionally the natives show resistance, but their left largely helpless against the overpowering military control of the Europeans. They have no authority or voice. The colonists have become corrupted. They are blinded by the notion that this is their sacred duty to uphold the superiority of the colonial empire and white heritage. Through Marlow disapproval, he shows and exposes the Europeans, is equally deameaning, offensive, and undermines their superiority. flabby white devils.. Critiques immoral European behaviour. Transcends such prejudice, shows him to rise above racism. Ridicules benevolent project of civilisation. Uses an ambivalent tone to show the violent colonial enterprise. Kurtz the ultimate satanic, racist. Has the heart of darkness. However if he is showing Africa to be the reason for the deterioration of the European mans morale, it merely becomes a backdrop which eliminates the African as human factor. They have become marginalised. This marginalisation shows further through Kurtz mistress. He is racist towards her, but not so to his white woman. It can be argued that Heart of Darkness participates in an oppression of nonwhites that is much more sinister and much harder to remedy than the open abuses of Kurtz or the Companys men. Africans become for Marlow a mere backdrop, a human screen against which he can play out his philosophical and existential struggles. Their existence and their exoticism enable his self-contemplation. This kind of dehumanization is harder to identify than colonial violence or open racism. While Heart of Darkness offers a powerful condemnation of the hypocritical operations of imperialism, it also presents a set of issues surrounding race that is ultimately troubling. The noble and idealistic Kurtz situated in darkest Africa submits to alcohol, isolation and megalomania and ends up radiating darkness.  [4]   It seems improbable that a rule which now rests on avowedly upon force can endure.  [5]  E.M. Forster Critics have debated whether Conrads novel perpetuated colonialist views of the alleged inferiority of other peoples, or it questioned the entire colonial project, dissenting from colonial discourses.  [6]   In 1975 Chinua Achebe controversially denounced Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness on the grounds that it proved how Conrad was a throughgoing racist.  [7]   Fin de sià ¨cle as Marlow links britains contemporary imperialist drives to the uncivialised.  [8]  

Friday, October 25, 2019

Native American Religion Essay -- Native American Culture

When Europeans first set foot upon the shores of what is now the United States they brought with them a social structure which was fundamentally based around their concept and understanding of Western European Christianity. That the indigenous peoples might already have a thriving civilization, including religious beliefs and practices, that closely paralleled the beliefs and practices of European civilization, was a concept not considered by these early explorers and settlers. This European lack of cultural understanding created tensions, between Native Americans and Europeans, and later between Native Americans and Euro-Americans, that eventually erupted into open warfare and resulted in great bloodshed between cultures. For the Lakota peoples of North America, cultural misunderstanding culminated with Euro-American misinterpretation of the purpose of the Native American Ghost Dance with its related religious beliefs and the massacre of peaceful Native American Lakota people as th ey were attempting to flee to the safety of the Agency at Pine Ridge Reservation near Wounded Knee Creek in what is now the state of South Dakota. When contact was made with indigenous peoples, Europeans discovered that the languages of the indigenous peoples did not include words for religion or for God as Europeans understood these concepts. These Europeans considered themselves a civilized and pious people who lived according to the ways and teachings of the Christian Bible and believed that this was the only proper and correct code of conduct. Believing that the lack of Native American words to identify and describe God and religion meant that these concepts did not exist within the culture and society of the indigenous peoples, the European... ...itor footnote number 8, Joseph Epes Brown, The Sacred Pipe Black Elk’s Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989), 6. Editor footnote number 9, Joseph Epes Brown, The Sacred Pipe Black Elk’s Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989), 6. Editor footnote number 9, Joseph Epes Brown, The Sacred Pipe Black Elk’s Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989), 6. Colin G. Calloway, First Peoples, (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008), 306. Ibid., 310. Ibid., 313. Ibid., 340. Colin G. Calloway, First Peoples, (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008), 312. Gregory E. Smoak, ghost dances and identity, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008), 154. Ibid., 114. Ibid., 120. Ibid., 114.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nature of Love in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Love is a universal theme for many art forms.   More often than not, it is love that is spoken of, whether in songs or films.   This fact holds most true for literature. Countless poems, short stories, novels and plays revolve around the concept of love.   One notable piece of literature that thoroughly deals with love and its nature is A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. The story features four types of love through its characters: forced love, parental love, romantic love, and love between friends.   This essay aims to analyze all the aforementioned types of love in the play and how they are portrayed.Love has multiple dimensions; it comes in many forms. The play is a testament to that, as Shakespeare explores the various types of love within the story.   The play begins with the first type of love, which is forced love between Theseus and Hippolyta.   The story starts with both characters speaking of their upcoming marriage and how soon it will come (Shak espeare).   However, the duke and his bride will marry not because they fell in love with each other.   The union existed because Hippolyta was betrothed to Theseus.   In the play, Theseus said: â€Å"I woo'd thee with my sword,/ And won thy love, doing thee injuries;/ But I will wed thee in another key† (Shakespeare).Love formed through betrothal is considered forced because it was prompted by circumstance to exist.   One does not love another upon such imposition.   Rather, one learns to love the other.   Love is spontaneous; if love is to be learned, it means that one has to force himself/herself in loving the other.   In the play, Theseus and Hippolyta did not seem to have any problems with such arrangement.   Both were minor characters, so the details of their relation were not exactly revealed in the play.   In the past, betrothals are common and the arrangement did not seem to be problematic at that time.   However, in essence, forced love is not re ally love.   Love is a spontaneous emotion that is evoked, as opposed to one that is merely forced.The second type of love is the parental kind, as exhibited by the relationship of Egeus to his daughter Hermia.   In the play, Egeus complains to Theseus that while he had given consent to Demetrius to marry Hermia, it is she who seeks to disobey for her love of Lysander (Shakespeare).   Egeus warns that her disobedience may result in death, while Theseus presents another option which is becoming a nun (Shakespeare).Parental love is that which is received upon birth, a love expressed by parents to their children (Hammack 2).   Among all kinds of love, parental love is most continuous; it is the secure kind of love that remains throughout one's life.   There is nothing more fulfilling than being loved by and having a strong close relationship with the family.   However, this kind of love is not without fault.   Parents may have a negative effect on their children when the former force their will or decisions on the latter.For instance, in the play, Egeus believes that Demetrius is the one most fit to marry Hermia; in his resolve, he discards the feelings of his own daughter for his decision. Thinking his daughter’s life is not hers but his, Egeus says, â€Å"And she is mine, and all my right of her/ I do estate unto Demetrius† (Shakespeare).   As Hermia's father, Egeus acts like he owned her and made decisions with her in mind. Egeus may have preferred Demetrius to be Hermia's husband because he thought that was what was best for her.   Nonetheless, it was Lysander whom Hermia loved, and they did end up together eventually.The third kind of love featured in the play was romantic love.   In the story, two couples demonstrated this kind of love: Hermia and Lysander, and Helena and Demetrius.   In the case of Hermia and Lysander, the feeling was mutual.   They reciprocated each other's love, and it caused them to defy Athenian la w by eloping (Shakespeare).This is the typical concept of romantic love.   It is characterized by the fervent desire to have that special someone in one's life (Hammack 3).   It is also marked by a compromise, in which both shared and carried the load that came with the relationship. Lysander knew that his relationship with Hermia was in danger due to Egeus and Demetrius.   Not wanting to part from his beloved, Lysander suggested that they elope to a place in which the Athenian law cannot hinder their love (Shakespeare).Hermia complied, and together they struggled to overcome the obstacle in their relationship.   Such bold action can only be done by people experiencing romantic love.   One becomes willing to face hardships for the sake of the other, as there is a strong need to be with the beloved and make him or her happy (Hammack 3).The case of Helena and Demetrius is different because even if it still falls under romantic love, it initially involved unrequited love.   Helena is in love with Demetrius, but Demetrius has only eyes for Helena's friend Hermia (Shakespeare).   Hermia informs Helena of their elopement, hoping that she would keep it a secret.   She did not; instead, she thought of Demetrius' welfare and told him of Hermia and Lysander's plans.   She did betray her friend's trust, but she simply wanted to win Demetrius.   Despite the fact that he did not love her, she still wanted him to be happy.   That is why she told him of Hermia's plans.   Helena's love is a romantic one because she sought to make her beloved happy, even if it was at her own expense (Shakespeare).One aspect of romantic love is the desire to look after the happiness of the beloved (Hammack 3).   Helena did that to Demetrius; she knew he loved Hermia, so she told him her whereabouts.   Another aspect of romantic love, as was mentioned earlier, is the need to be with the beloved (Hammack 3).   Helena followed Demetrius in the woods, and even though h e made it clear that he did not want to be with her, she still pursued (Shakespeare).   If Oberon did not take pity on her and if Puck did not put the potion on Demetrius' eyes, Helena would have continued to suffer.   In the end, everything went well, with Demetrius declaring â€Å"The object and the pleasure of mine eye/Is only Helena† (Shakespeare).The last type of love portrayed in the play is a love that is shared by sisters, a love grounded on friendship.   Hermia and Helena shared a special friendship that was almost destroyed by Puck's error (Shakespeare).   Because of Puck, both Lysander and Demetrius fell in love with Helena.   This made Hermia think ill about her friend, making them argue in the process (Shakespeare).The love shared between friends is marked by concern for the welfare of the other (Helm).   This stems from the fact that it involves an extent of intimacy, which in part plays a crucial role in one's personal development.   Love between friends is also characterized by caring for one another (Helm).In the play, after Puck had committed the mistake, Helena thought that the declarations of love from Lysander and Demetrius were mere mockery (Shakespeare).   She also thought that Hermia was also involved.   That is the reason why she spoke about their friendship in detail.   Helena narrates that she and Hermia had a vow of sisterhood; for all the times they spent together, they were like two entities with a single heart.   Their friendship originated from childhood, and continued until their days in school.   That is why Helena was hurt when she thought that Hermia was also mocking her (Shakespeare).Hermia and Helena are bound by love that unites friends.   They are already like sisters. Because they have been together for a long time, they have developed a level of intimacy that they cannot share with others.   Their relationship which began as early as childhood made them responsible for each other's gr owth.   Because there is caring involved between friends, to be mocked by a friend would surely hurt.   Hermia's anger toward Helena when the former thought that the latter stole her lover away was out of the sense of betrayal she felt as a friend.Love indeed comes in many forms, and has numerous different variations. In the playA Midsummer Night's Dream alone, there are four types of love that Shakespeare openly explored: forced love, parental love, romantic love and love between friends.   All these are simply part and parcel of the universal concept that is love.Works CitedHammack, GS. â€Å"Different Types of Love.† Associated Content. 12 June 2006.   12 May 2008 ;;;.Helm, Bennett. â€Å"Friendship.† Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 17 May 2005. 12 May 2008 ;;.Shakespeare, W illiam. A Midsummer Night's Dream. 13 November 2000.   12 May 2008 . Nature of Love in â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† Love is a universal theme for many art forms.   More often than not, it is love that is spoken of, whether in songs or films.   This fact holds most true for literature. Countless poems, short stories, novels and plays revolve around the concept of love.   One notable piece of literature that thoroughly deals with love and its nature is A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. The story features four types of love through its characters: forced love, parental love, romantic love, and love between friends.   This essay aims to analyze all the aforementioned types of love in the play and how they are portrayed.Love has multiple dimensions; it comes in many forms. The play is a testament to that, as Shakespeare explores the various types of love within the story.   The play begins with the first type of love, which is forced love between Theseus and Hippolyta.   The story starts with both characters speaking of their upcoming marriage and how soon it will come (Shak espeare).   However, the duke and his bride will marry not because they fell in love with each other.   The union existed because Hippolyta was betrothed to Theseus.   In the play, Theseus said: â€Å"I woo'd thee with my sword,/ And won thy love, doing thee injuries;/ But I will wed thee in another key† (Shakespeare).Love formed through betrothal is considered forced because it was prompted by circumstance to exist.   One does not love another upon such imposition.   Rather, one learns to love the other.   Love is spontaneous; if love is to be learned, it means that one has to force himself/herself in loving the other.   In the play, Theseus and Hippolyta did not seem to have any problems with such arrangement.   Both were minor characters, so the details of their relation were not exactly revealed in the play.   In the past, betrothals are common and the arrangement did not seem to be problematic at that time.   However, in essence, forced love is not re ally love.   Love is a spontaneous emotion that is evoked, as opposed to one that is merely forced.The second type of love is the parental kind, as exhibited by the relationship of Egeus to his daughter Hermia.   In the play, Egeus complains to Theseus that while he had given consent to Demetrius to marry Hermia, it is she who seeks to disobey for her love of Lysander (Shakespeare).   Egeus warns that her disobedience may result in death, while Theseus presents another option which is becoming a nun (Shakespeare).Parental love is that which is received upon birth, a love expressed by parents to their children (Hammack 2).   Among all kinds of love, parental love is most continuous; it is the secure kind of love that remains throughout one's life.   There is nothing more fulfilling than being loved by and having a strong close relationship with the family.   However, this kind of love is not without fault.   Parents may have a negative effect on their children when the former force their will or decisions on the latter.   For instance, in the play, Egeus believes that Demetrius is the one most fit to marry Hermia; in his resolve, he discards the feelings of his own daughter for his decision.Thinking his daughter’s life is not hers but his, Egeus says, â€Å"And she is mine, and all my right of her/ I do estate unto Demetrius† (Shakespeare).   As Hermia's father, Egeus acts like he owned her and made decisions with her in mind. Egeus may have preferred Demetrius to be Hermia's husband because he thought that was what was best for her.   Nonetheless, it was Lysander whom Hermia loved, and they did end up together eventually.The third kind of love featured in the play was romantic love.   In the story, two couples demonstrated this kind of love: Hermia and Lysander, and Helena and Demetrius.   In the case of Hermia and Lysander, the feeling was mutual.   They reciprocated each other's love, and it caused them to defy Athenia n law by eloping (Shakespeare).This is the typical concept of romantic love.   It is characterized by the fervent desire to have that special someone in one's life (Hammack 3).   It is also marked by a compromise, in which both shared and carried the load that came with the relationship. Lysander knew that his relationship with Hermia was in danger due to Egeus and Demetrius.   Not wanting to part from his beloved, Lysander suggested that they elope to a place in which the Athenian law cannot hinder their love (Shakespeare). Hermia complied, and together they struggled to overcome the obstacle in their relationship.   Such bold action can only be done by people experiencing romantic love.   One becomes willing to face hardships for the sake of the other, as there is a strong need to be with the beloved and make him or her happy (Hammack 3).The case of Helena and Demetrius is different because even if it still falls under romantic love, it initially involved unrequited love .   Helena is in love with Demetrius, but Demetrius has only eyes for Helena's friend Hermia (Shakespeare).   Hermia informs Helena of their elopement, hoping that she would keep it a secret.   She did not; instead, she thought of Demetrius' welfare and told him of Hermia and Lysander's plans.   She did betray her friend's trust, but she simply wanted to win Demetrius.   Despite the fact that he did not love her, she still wanted him to be happy.   That is why she told him of Hermia's plans.   Helena's love is a romantic one because she sought to make her beloved happy, even if it was at her own expense (Shakespeare).One aspect of romantic love is the desire to look after the happiness of the beloved (Hammack 3).   Helena did that to Demetrius; she knew he loved Hermia, so she told him her whereabouts.   Another aspect of romantic love, as was mentioned earlier, is the need to be with the beloved (Hammack 3).   Helena followed Demetrius in the woods, and even tho ugh he made it clear that he did not want to be with her, she still pursued (Shakespeare).   If Oberon did not take pity on her and if Puck did not put the potion on Demetrius' eyes, Helena would have continued to suffer.   In the end, everything went well, with Demetrius declaring â€Å"The object and the pleasure of mine eye/Is only Helena† (Shakespeare).The last type of love portrayed in the play is a love that is shared by sisters, a love grounded on friendship.   Hermia and Helena shared a special friendship that was almost destroyed by Puck's error (Shakespeare).   Because of Puck, both Lysander and Demetrius fell in love with Helena.   This made Hermia think ill about her friend, making them argue in the process (Shakespeare).The love shared between friends is marked by concern for the welfare of the other (Helm).   This stems from the fact that it involves an extent of intimacy, which in part plays a crucial role in one's personal development.   Love bet ween friends is also characterized by caring for one another (Helm).In the play, after Puck had committed the mistake, Helena thought that the declarations of love from Lysander and Demetrius were mere mockery (Shakespeare).   She also thought that Hermia was also involved.   That is the reason why she spoke about their friendship in detail.   Helena narrates that she and Hermia had a vow of sisterhood; for all the times they spent together, they were like two entities with a single heart.   Their friendship originated from childhood, and continued until their days in school.   That is why Helena was hurt when she thought that Hermia was also mocking her (Shakespeare).Hermia and Helena are bound by love that unites friends.   They are already like sisters. Because they have been together for a long time, they have developed a level of intimacy that they cannot share with others.   Their relationship which began as early as childhood made them responsible for each other 's growth.   Because there is caring involved between friends, to be mocked by a friend would surely hurt.   Hermia's anger toward Helena when the former thought that the latter stole her lover away was out of the sense of betrayal she felt as a friend.Love indeed comes in many forms, and has numerous different variations. In the playA Midsummer Night's Dream alone, there are four types of love that Shakespeare openly explored: forced love, parental love, romantic love and love between friends.   All these are simply part and parcel of the universal concept that is love.Works CitedHammack, GS. â€Å"Different Types of Love.† Associated Content. 12 June 2006.   12 May 2008 .Helm, Bennett. â€Å"Friendship.† Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 17 May 2005. 12 May 2008 .Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. 13 November 2000.   12 May 2008 .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

China U.S Business Partner

China and the united States. Which of the two would you prefer to do business In and why? No one will criticize stating that the U. S. And China are the most influential countries In the current global Industry. What happens In the economic market In one of both countries directly reflect to the world economy. Even though they both have the substantial economic strength, they have nothing in common; the history, the way they have been developed, the impression that they show to the world, etc. Are all deferent. The way of becoming powerful countries are not easy to analyses with Just few theories.However. One of the important theories Is the difference in their regime which started to affect since sass. After World War II ends, the political regimes in both countries can be simple; China is socialist and the U. S. Is democratic. However, the world economy had kept changing. Now, things are different. The U. S. Has sucked to capitalism which Is reserved for democracy. On the other han d, China changed as time went by. It is arguable that communism or socialism would be automatic failure. Nevertheless, it is obvious that communism and socialism has closed or limited economic market which will demand one country the death sentence.According to Farley and Moss, the journalists of Society & Science, in 1979, legislative reforms in China started the global trade within limited areas in Sheehan, Aisha, Shannon, and Examine. Now, the most markets in China are opened to visitors although there are strict policies (2009) and the current status of China is pre-modern, pre-capitalist, and feudal' (Mining', 2009). ‘Feudal system' was originally created In Middle Age which refers to the political, social, and military system related to the relationship between landlord and vassal (Dictionary. Com unabridged). A Journalist, Mining comments thatChina Is not yet fully liberal and also In capitalism. In the society, this means ‘uncivilized. ‘ Considering all fac tors, China Is on the preemptively capitalist step In the concepts of Marxism which is the step to the civilized and liberal country. Acknowledged from the current China's economic strength in the world, the I OFF Any changes in business policies in one country affect companies in numerous ways in various sizes. The changed policies can be helpful and they also can give tremendous damages to the company. Since China and the U. S have different political regime, they have many similar polices but there are more differences.It is hard to decide which country is better to start a business if one has a chance. There are many factors that affect the decision to run a business such as the type and size of company, the current markets status, the government policies and etc. The sample example can be the manufacturing company and it is better to open the company in China because of the current possible crisis status in the U. S. , governments' taxation to the manufacture companies for high GAP, cheap labors for lots of handy Jobs, First of all, China currently has more stable economy than the U. S. Has. There wasGlobal Financial Crisis in the U. S. Which has commonly believed to have started in July 2007. The reasons are from complex matters. One definite factor is the sub- prime crisis from housing bubble and to overcome the crisis, the U. S. Government submitted $700 billion rescue proposal (Canasta, 2009). On Septet. 29, 2008, DOD Jones Industrial Average ends up down 777 points which was worst point loss in the history (Gibson, 2008). This collapse in the U. S. Economy influenced all other countries in the world. However, China is the only country who had a positive number of GAP in the ear of 2008 (Fordham, 2009).Even though, the U. S. Incredibly overcame the crisis in short period of time, there always is a possibility for another crisis and unstable economy. China has the highest GAP increase rate for decades. The U. S. Already has high GAP and definitely has better environment to run a business. China has lower GAP than the U. S. And it is a firm theory that lower GAP country has higher GAP growth rate. GHz, a Journalist of Journal of Economic Perspective, summarized that for decades, China is the only country who has two digit industrial growth rate (2012).These easily think as there are more chances to success in business and the higher chances make the environments change. Among countries, the developing country normally seizes the initiative. At the last 620 meeting in 2010, the U. S. Had to step back and give away few from China, especially on policies of currency changes, labors, and the U. S. Diplomacy which made better environments running a business in China than the U. S (Moronic, 2010). Higher growth rate country is better to starting a business than countries with low growth rate countries. Also, China has better taxation policies than the U. S. Has.Not only cheap labors help the company higher profits and chances of success , it is the government policies that helps running a business in China. China waives taxes from double tax to double taxes under numerous conditions. The conditions are very complicated but the big pictures of the tax waive condition is that the company must exports everything that are imported which means manufactured products with components from outside of China cannot be sold in China (Sharked, 2012). Taxes are very important issues to businesses from foreign countries and these waives helps a lot who wanted to start business in China.