Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Evolution Vs. Creationism Conflict Essays - Creationism

The Evolution Vs. Creationism Conflict Essays - Creationism The Evolution Vs. Creationism Conflict (This is an inquiry that I wrote for a high school composition class - use it for reference, but I wouldn't recommend or appreciate it being submitted into a proffesor.) The merits of the arguments between the theory of evolution and the belief in creationism is a topic that has bestirred an interest in me for several years. I think that most people have an opinion on the topic or are trying to form one. An example of this is the Christian fish that emphasizes a creationist view found on the back of many cars. In contradiction, there is a growing response to this emblem by people who publicize their evolutionist views by posting a fish with Darwin written on the inside and feet on the bottom. This strikes me as an interesting controversy that everyone can and should know more about. I have acquired basic opinions on the topic that have come from both viewpoints which leaves me with the struggle of establishing my own belief. Sources that have influenced me before I began investigating the topic include Christian religion, school, my parents, media, and my peers. When I began investigating the subject, I found extensive information full of particular evidence. However, the viewpoints are generally conservative and are strictly either for evolution or for creationism. This inquiry will hopefully illustrate an overview of the ongoing debate. Most people view the theory of evolution as being a feasible explanation of how life became what is today. Evolution is a theory that the various organisms are descended from others that lived in earlier times and that the differences are due to inherited changes that occurred over many generations. It must be realized that evolution is a theory and cannot be considered a fact. Even though its roots are from Greek anatomists, the theory of evolution came to light in 1859 when Charles Darwin published his book The Origin of Species, which dealt with natural selection. Since then, scientists have been continually searching for proof for the theory through research and experimentation. Some of the topics that are associated with proving the theory are fossil records, carbon-14 dating, and DNA testing. These are also noted as part of phylogenetic systematics, which is the term used for classifying and understanding the relationships and history among species of the past and present. Natu ral selection, or survival of the fittest, is the mechanics of evolution. Natural selection deals with the dying of weaker offspring of an organism, and the survival of the stronger offspring. When a strong organism survives, its dominent genes are passed on to its offspring. Over time, these genes will lead to mutations, which allow a species to adapt as they slowly move to different environments or other natural change. This is a broad interpretation of how evolutionists explain, for instance, sea creatures becoming land creatures. Evolutionists believe that life began on earth when chemicals combined to produce the first cell. Throughout the course of millions of years, single cell organisms arose to life as it known today. Fundamentally, evolution is based on scientific reasoning and experimentation. As with most sciences, inaccuracies do occur through new discoveries and the theory of evolution must be rethought. Creationism deals with the theory that the world was created in a brief amount of time by a higher being. Creationism has been the way humans explain the making of the earth and the inhabitants on it for thousands of years. This has been depicted through ancient hieroglyphs, stories, and popular mythology. Although almost every culture, ethnicity, and religion that has ever believed in a higher being has its own creation story, I will be focusing on the popular fundamentalist Christian version. These creationists believe that the entire cosmos, the Earth and all its creatures, were created by God in six days between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago as described in the old testament's book of Genesis. They believe that geological records were laid down as a result of a worldwide flood. Most creationists disagree with a majority of the scientific theories used to prove evolution. They believe that life was presented all at once in nearly the same complex forms that are seen today. That

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Separate the JavaScript in Your Web Page

How to Separate the JavaScript in Your Web Page When you first write a new JavaScript the easiest way to set it up is to embed the JavaScript code directly into the web page so that everything is in the one place while you test it to get it working right. Similarly, if you are inserting a pre-written script into your website the instructions may tell you to embed parts or all of the script into the web page itself. This is okay for setting up the page and getting it to work properly in the first place but once your page is working the way that you want it you will be able to improve the page by extracting the JavaScript into an external file so that your page content in the HTML isnt so cluttered with non-content items such as JavaScript. If you just copy and use JavaScripts written by other people then their instructions on how to add their script to your page may have resulted in your having one or more large sections of JavaScript actually embedded into your web page itself and their instructions dont tell you how you can move this code out of your page into a separate file and still have the JavaScript work. Dont worry though because regardless of what code the JavaScript you are using in your page you can easily move the JavaScript out of your page and set it up as a separate file (or files if you have more than one piece of JavaScript embedded in the page). The process for doing this is always the same and is best illustrated with an example. Lets look at how a piece of JavaScript might look when embedded in your page. Your actual JavaScript code will be different from that shown in the following examples but the process is the same in every case. Example One script typetext/javascript if (top.location ! self.location) top.location self.location; /script Example Two script typetext/javascript! if (top.location ! self.location) top.location self.location; // /script Example Three script typetext/javascript /* ![CDATA[ */ if (top.location ! self.location) top.location self.location; /* ]] */ /script Your embedded JavaScript should look something like one of the above three examples. Of course, your actual JavaScript code will be different from that shown but the JavaScript will probably be embedded into the page using one of the above three methods. In some cases, your code may use the outdated languagejavascript instead of typetext/javascript in which case you may want to bring your code more up to date to start with by replacing the language attribute with the type one. Before you can extract the JavaScript into its own file you first need to identify the code to be extracted. In all three of the above examples, there are two lines of actual JavaScript code to be extracted. Your script will probably have a lot more lines but can be readily identified because it will occupy the same place within your page as the two lines of JavaScript that we have highlighted in the above three examples (all three of the examples contain the same two lines of JavaScript, it is just the container around them that is slightly different). The first thing you need to do to actually extract the JavaScript into a separate file is to open a plain text editor and access the content of your web page. You then need to locate the embedded JavaScript that will be surrounded by one of the variations of code shown in the above examples.Having located the JavaScript code you need to select it and copy it to your clipboard. With the above example, the code to be selected is highlighted, you do not need to select the script tags or the optional comments that may appear around your JavaScript code.Open another copy of your plain text editor (or another tab if your editor supports opening more than one file at a time) and past the JavaScript content there.Select a descriptive filename to use for your new file and save the new content using that filename. With the example code, the purpose of the script is to break out of frames so an appropriate name could be  framebreak.js.So now we have the JavaScript in a separate file we return to the editor where we have the original page content to make the changes there to link to the external copy of the script. As we now have the script in a separate file we can remove everything between the script tags in our original content so that the /script;script tag immediately follows the script typetext/javascript tag.The final step is to add an extra attribute to the script tag identifying where it can find the external JavaScript. We do this using a  srcfilename  attribute. With our example script, we would specify srcframebreak.js.The only complication to this is if we have decided to store the external JavaScripts in a separate folder from the web pages that use them. If you do this then you need to add the path from the web page folder to the JavaScript folder in front of the filename. For example, if the JavaScripts are being stored in a  js  folder within the folder that holds our web pages we would need  srcjs/framebreak.js So what does our code look like after we have separated the JavaScript out into a separate file? In the case of our example JavaScript (assuming that the JavaScript and HTML are in the same folder) our HTML in the web page now reads: script typetext/javascript srcframebreak.js /script We also have a separate file called framebreak.js that contains: if (top.location ! self.location) top.location self.location; Your filename and file content will be a lot different from that because you will have extracted whatever JavaScript was embedded in your web page and given the file a descriptive name based on what it does. The actual process of extracting it will be the same though regardless of what lines it contains. What about those other two lines in each of examples two and three? Well, the purpose of those lines in example two is to hide the JavaScript from Netscape 1 and Internet Explorer 2, neither of which anyone uses any more and so those lines are not really needed in the first place. Placing the code in an external file hides the code from browsers that dont understand the script tag more effectively than surrounding it in an HTML comment anyway. The third example is used for XHTML pages to tell validators that the JavaScript should be treated as page content and not to validate it as HTML (if you are using an HTML doctype rather than an XHTML one then the validator already knows this and so those tags are not needed). With the JavaScript in a separate file there is no longer any JavaScript in the page to be skipped over by validators and so those lines are no longer needed. One of the most useful ways that JavaScript can be used to add functionality to a web page is to perform some sort of processing in response to an action by your visitor. The most common action that you want to respond to will be when that visitor clicks on something. The event handler that allows you to respond to visitors clicking on something is called  onclick. When most people first think about adding an  onclick  event handler to their web page they immediately think of adding it to an a tag. This gives a piece of code that often looks like: a href# onclickdosomething(); return false; This is the  wrong  way to use  onclick  unless you have an actual meaningful address in the  href  attribute so that those without JavaScript will be transferred somewhere when they click on the link. A lot of people also leave out the return false from this code and then wonder why the top of the current page always gets loaded after the script has run (which is what the href# is telling the page to do unless false is returned from all the event handlers. Of  course,  if you have something meaningful as the destination of the link then you may want to go there after running the  onclick  code and then you will not need the return false. What many people do not  realize  is that the  onclick  event handler can be added to  any  HTML tag in the web page in order to interact when your visitor clicks on that content. So if you want something to run when people click on an image you can use: img srcmyimg.gif onclickdosomething() If you want to run something when people click on some text you can use: span onclickdosomething()some text/span Of  course,  these dont give the automatic visual clue that there will be a response if your visitor clicks on them the way that a link does but you can add that visual clue easily enough yourself by styling the image or span appropriately. The other thing to note about these ways of attaching the  onclick  event handler is that they do not require the return false because there is no default action that will happen when the element is clicked on that needs to be disabled. These ways of attaching the  onclick  are a big improvement on the poor method that many people use but it is still a long way from being the best way of coding it. One problem with adding  onclick  using any of the above methods is that it is still mixing your JavaScript in with your HTML.  onclick  is  not  an HTML attribute, it is a JavaScript event handler. As such to separate our JavaScript from our HTML to make the page easier to maintain we need to get that  onclick  reference out of the HTML file into a separate JavaScript file where it belongs. The easiest way to do this is to replace the  onclick  in the HTML with an  id  that will make it easy to attach the event handler to the appropriate spot in the HTML. So our HTML might now contain one of these statements: img srcmyimg.gif idimg1 span idsp1some text/span We can then code the JavaScript in a separate JavaScript file that is either linked into the bottom of the body of the page or which is in the head of the page and where our code is inside a function that is itself called after the page finishes loading. Our JavaScript to attach the event handlers now looks like this: document.getElementById(img1).onclick dosomething; document.getElementById(sp1).onclick dosomething; One thing to note. You will notice that we have always written  onclick  entirely in lowercase. When coding the statement in their HTML you will see some people write it as onClick. This is wrong as the JavaScript event handlers names are all lowercase and there is no such handler as onClick. You can get away with it when you include the JavaScript inside your HTML tag directly since HTML is not case sensitive and the browser will map it across to the correct name for you. You cant get away with  the wrong  capitalization  in your JavaScript itself since the JavaScript is case sensitive and there is no such thing in JavaScript as onClick. This code is a huge improvement over the prior versions because we are now both attaching the event to the correct element within our HTML and we have the JavaScript completely separate from the HTML. We can improve on this even further though. The one problem that is remaining is that we can only attach one onclick event handler to a specific element. Should we at any time need to attach a different onclick event handler to the same element then the previously attached processing will no longer be attached to that element. When you are adding a variety of different scripts to your web page for different purposes there is at least a possibility that two or more of them may want to provide some processing to be performed when the same element is clicked on. The messy solution to this problem is to identify where this situation arises and to combine the processing that needs to be called together to a function that performs all of the processing. While clashes like this are less common with onclick than they are with onload, having to identify  the clashes in advance and combine them together is not the ideal solution. It is not a solution at all when the actual processing that needs to be attached to the element changes over time so that sometimes there is one thing to do, sometimes another, and sometimes both. The best solution is to stop using an event handler completely and to instead use a JavaScript event listener (along with the corresponding attachEvent for Jscript- since this is one of those situations where JavaScript and JScript  differ). We can do this most easily by first creating an addEvent function that will add either an event listener or attachment depending on which of the two that the language being run supports; function addEvent(el, eType, fn, uC) { if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(eType, fn, uC); return true; } else if (el.attachEvent) { return el.attachEvent(on eType, fn); } } We can now attach the processing that we want to have happen when our element is clicked on using: addEvent( document.getElementById(spn1), click,dosomething,false); Using this method of attaching the code to be processed when an element is clicked on means that making another addEvent call to add another function to be run when a specific element is clicked on will not replace the prior processing with the new processing but will instead allow both of the functions to be run. We have no need to know when calling an addEvent whether or not we already have a function attached to the element to run when it is clicked on, the new function will be run along with and functions that were previously attached. Should we need the ability to remove functions from what gets run when an element is clicked on then we could create a corresponding deleteEvent function that calls the appropriate function for removing an event listener or attached event? The one disadvantage of this last way of attaching the processing is those really old browsers do not support these relatively new ways of attaching event processing to a web page. There should be few enough people using such antiquated browsers by now to disregard them in what J(ava)Script we write apart from writing our code in such a way that it doesnt cause huge numbers of error messages. The above function is written so as to do nothing if neither of the ways it uses is supported. Most of these really old browsers do not support the getElementById method of referencing HTML either and so a simple  if (!document.getElementById) return false;  at the top of any of your functions which do such calls would also be appropriate. Of course, many people writing JavaScript are not so considerate of those still using antique browsers and so those users must be getting used to seeing JavaScript errors on almost every web page they visit by now. Which of these different ways do you use to attach processing into your page to be run when your visitors click on something? If the way you do it is nearer to the examples at the top of the page than to those examples at the bottom of the page then perhaps it is time you thought about improving the way you write your onclick processing to use one of the better methods presented lower down on the page. Looking at the code for the cross-browser event listener you will notice that there is a fourth parameter which we called  uC, the use of which isnt obvious from the prior description. Browsers have two different orders in which they can process events when the event is triggered. They can work from the outside inwards from the body tag in towards the tag that triggered the event or they can work from the inside out starting at the most specific tag. These two are called  capture  and  bubble  respectively and most browsers allow you to choose which order multiple processing should be run in by setting this extra parameter. uC true to process during the capture phaseuC false to process during the bubble phase. So where there are several other tags wrapped around the one that the event was triggered on the capture phase runs first starting with the outermost tag and moving in toward the one that triggered the event and then once the tag the event was attached to has been processed the bubble phase reverses the process and goes back out again. Internet Explorer and traditional event handlers always process the bubble phase and never the capture phase and so always start with the most specific tag and work outwards. So with event handlers: div onclickalert(a)div onclickalert(b)xx/div/div clicking on the  xx  would bubble out triggering the alert(b) first and the alert(a) second. If those alerts were attached using event listeners with uC true then all modern browsers except Internet Explorer would process the alert(a) first and then the alert(b).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Re write (data exchange) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Re write (data exchange) - Essay Example The aim of the project is to review the capabilities of XML-enable X3D standard for the representation of engineering design data including Product Structure, Bill of Materials and Product Coding and Classification among others within this context. This is one of two separate but interdependent projects proposed and the second one is listed below. The main objective of this study is to review the capabilities of XML-enable X3D standard for the representation of engineering design data including Product structure, Bill of Materials and Product Coding and Classification within the context of Collaborative Product Development among others. First of all, Right Neutral format was chosen for the data exchange after it was compared with the IGES and STEP format and it was selected because it provides the best version in comparison to the IGES format. After that, the researcher worked on the IGES (neutral) format and web-based 3D XML format and they were also compared for their effectiveness while doing share information between IGES and the web based approach. The Altan Machine Company`s Quick coups and Fork were designed using the Solid works and after that data results were presented in 3D XML and IGES format. The researcher compared the results between IGES and Web-Based 3D XML format after carrying the observations. In this study, secondary data was collected prior to the study for the purpose of analysing the findings in comparison to the data that already exists in this same field of study. Collection of secondary data greatly helped in gathering extensive information in an attempt to explore and establish a broader understanding about 3D XML and IGES format in designing engineering data which provided a solid understanding of the topic given that some studies have been done already on the same topic. As a point of departure, it should be noted that 3D XML is a lightweight and a standard XML-based

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Consuming Healthy Fresh Green Foods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Consuming Healthy Fresh Green Foods - Essay Example The function of this essay is about the differences in fresh food and canned food. In my opinion, flavors, health benefits, and costs are the main factors in our decision to consume either fresh food or canned food. I will never forget the taste I experienced one day when I ate fresh vegetables from the garden. This was in stark comparison to the taste of the asparaguses, which were kept in oily water in a can. Besides, I did not know how long the vegetable had been there. The look of the soft, moist vegetable was unappetizing compared to the green color and texture and overall taste of fresh food. The main unique difference between these two types of food is in the flavor. Fresh food has a nice texture and the freshness makes you want to consume even more. Despite this, the vitamins in the vegetable will begin to lessen as soon as the vegetable is picked from the garden and sent onto the consumer. The next comparison between fresh food and canned food is the health benefits involved. Fresh food helps to prevent illness. This is especially true for organic food. Organic food is safe for the human body as it contains more vitamins, calcium, and iron than non-organic food. Organic food is healthier and tastes better than conventional produce. Fresh vegetables are more beneficial than other types of food. Canned fruit and vegetables have the same amount of vitamins as fresh food; however, this should not be consumed too often as canned food has some chemical factors that are not good for your body and will harm your health in the long term. Today, most canned food is available for people who want to have a balanced diet. The price is another huge difference between these two kinds of food. Canned food often entails less cost than fresh food and can be bought throughout the year. Canned food is a lot cheaper than fresh food because not much preparation time has been put in. In many cases, canned food can be very beneficial for families who have busy

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Tourism in Latin America Essay Example for Free

Tourism in Latin America Essay Imagine that you are a tour guide in Latin America. Your clients want to see the artwork and ruins of the earliest known pre-Columbian civilization. They also want to know the history behind them. To satisfy their interests, you must custom develop a tour just for them. You will call it The Legacies of the Olmec, Zapotec, and Chavà ­n. Describe each of the 3 artifacts below: Describe this artifact: 1. The name of the civilization that created it (Olmec, Zapotec, Chavà ­n) ? 2. An explanation of the evidence that the artifact belongs to that civilization 3. A description of the characteristics of the artifact 4. A logical explanation of the purpose that the artifact would have served Describe this artifact: 5. The name of the civilization that created it (Olmec, Zapotec, Chavà ­n) ? Chavin 6. An explanation of the evidence that the artifact belongs to that civilization Common Chavin design are people ands animals 7. A description of the characteristics of the artifact Art and engineering innovations can be found in distant settlements 8. A logical explanation of the purpose that the artifact would have served To percent the temple from flooding during highlands rainy seasons Describe this artifact: 1. The name of the civilization that created it (Olmec, Zapotec, Chavà ­n)? The Olmec 2. An explanation of the evidence that the artifact belongs to that civilization They were the people who built the heads 3. A description of the characteristics of the artifact The most recognizable artifacts are carved stone heads 4. A logical explanation of the purpose that the artifact would have served They are portraits of the Olmec ruler

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cell Phones And Driving: Dangers Involved with Cell Phone Use While Dr

Most people don’t abide by the rules and regulations of the road. Most people don’t even know that they are breaking the law because they do it so often. Talking on the cell phone and driving has become a very popular thing these days. Technology is coming out with the newest phones that can do everything for you and people are attracted to that. There are people that don’t have hands free and drive their car with only one hand, people that text and totally take their eye off the road and type conversations to each other. Bluetooth is another technological breakthrough where you wear an ear piece and can receive phone calls by one touch of a button on the ear piece. This alone takes our attention off the road and into the cell phone. This is ridiculous and everyone has these gadgets and they drive their car day in and day out. Whether it be talking using your hands, talking by text or talking hands free; are all dangerous. It is likely that everyone has ta lked on the cell phone while operating a motor vehicle. I believe that this is a very bad issue that we have going on and not much enforcement is being made. I have five different sources that all say that driving and talking on the phone is dangerous, even fatal. The Governor Highway Safety Association(GHSA), presents us with cell phone driving laws and has made a chart showing the states that have cracked down the cell phone usage with laws. They say that several states restrict cell phone use while driving. This shows us that this is a problem and that states are making laws to control drivers to obey the rules and pay attention on the road. 29 states have collect crash data from cell phone use and driving. 9 states have preemption laws. 5 states have handh... ...elf, or another person due to a non important conversation that could wait depending on the drive. Just pull over and talk. Remember, you have voicemail for a reason. Works Cited â€Å"Cell Phone Driving Laws† by Governor Highway Safety Association, 30, March 2008. http://www.ghsa.org/html/stateinfo/laws/cellphone_laws.html Insurance Information institute, â€Å"Cell Phone and Driving† April 2008. http://www.iii.org/media/hottopics/insurance/cellphones/ Live Science, â€Å"Drivers on Cell Phones Kill thousands, snarl traffic† 01, February 2005, http://www.livescience.com/technology/050201_cell_danger.html Cnet, â€Å"Cell phones as dangerous as drunk driving,† 01, July 2006. http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-6090342-7.html ABC News, Why Cell Phones and Driving Don't Mix, 29, June 2005. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/DyeHard/story?id=889064&page=1

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Position Supporting Stem Cell Research Essay

Cells that can make a distinction into a variety of cell types are called stem cells and comprise embryonic stem (ES) cells and adult stem cells. Since ES cells can turn into a new organism or can differentiate into any tissue type, they are said to be â€Å"totipotent.† Adult stem cells, conversely, as they cannot turn into any type of tissue, are said to be â€Å"pluripotent.† For instance, bone marrow stem cells can turn into red blood cells, T-lymphocytes, or B-lymphocytes, however not muscle or bone cells. Nerve stem cells can as well turn into different types of nerve tissue. Stem cell research attempts to engineer tissues from the body’s stem cells to replace defective, damaged, or aging tissues. In 1998, scientists were capable to grow human ES cells indefinitely. Since then, researchers have performed stem cell experiments on mammals and have had some achievement in repairing spinal chord injuries in mice. Since scientists cannot use federal funds to carry out research on embryos, private corporations, most particularly the Geron Corporation, have funded ES cell research. Geron, awaiting possible ethical concerns, appointed its own ethics advisory board. The Clinton administration sought to loosen the interpretation of the ban on embryo research to permit the government to sponsor research on the use of ES cells once they were available. President G. W. Bush had made the decision to permit use merely of about sixty existing cell lines, and not the production of embryonic cell lines particularly made for the purpose of use for stem cells[1]. The majority of the stem cell procedures proposed to date would employ the ES cells from embryos formed by couples in fertility clinics. In the United States, thousands of embryos are discarded each year as IVF couples cannot use all of their embryos. A couple may make three-hundred embryos in an attempt give birth to one child. One more approach to stem cell research suggests that researchers make embryos for scientific and medical purposes. This approach, recognized as therapeutic cloning, or somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), engrosses transferring the nucleus from a cell in a person’s body into an enucleated egg[2]. The ES cells from this new embryo would match the tissue in the person’s body, therefore avoiding the potential tissue rejection problems that might occur in stem cell therapy. The potential of stem cell research is huge, for the reason that so many diseases result from tissue damage. Stem cell research could bring about advances in treating paralysis, diabetes, heart disease, pancreatitis, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, arthritis, as well as many further conditions. [3] Thus human pluripotent stem cell research is very important as firstly it propose help in understanding the actions that take place during normal human development. The understanding of human cell development could make possible further understandings regarding how abnormalities such as cancer occur. Secondly this research helps us to find out why some cells turn into heart cells whereas other cells turn into blood cells. Although it has been previously recognized that a gene turning on and off is central to cell development, however it is not recognized what makes these gene turn on and off–stem cell research will most probably give a possible explanation. In a realistic sense this could make possible further understandings of cell development abnormalities. Thirdly pure samples of specific cell types could be used for testing different chemical compounds so as to develop medicines to treat disease[4]. This would make more efficient the process of medical testing in order that merely medicines that have a helpful effect on cell lines would be tested on animals and humans. And most significantly this research could be very helpful for cell transplantation therapies. Theoretically, stem cells could be â€Å"grown† into replacements for diseased or destroyed cells[5]. This would permit medical science to get to the bottom of diseases of organ failure for instance diabetes as well as neurological disorders for instance Parkinson’s disease. The main protest to this promising research has to do with the source of ES cells. ES cells can be acquired from aborted embryos, embryos remaining after infertility treatments (IVF), embryos created only for research by IVF techniques, and from SCNT techniques (that is therapeutic cloning)[6]. To get ES cells, consequently, one have to either create embryos that will be used, manipulated, or destroyed, or one have to get embryos leftover from infertility treatments. However here is where the abortion debate resurfaces, as these techniques would engross treating embryos as mere things or objects and would not give embryos the esteem they deserve, as said by some critics. That is to say that a proper, fair and realistic account of what comes out of the freezer is a 5-day-old ball of about 150 cells, and of that the researchers will want to use about 30. What comes out of the freezer is unquestionably human tissue however it is not human. That ball of cells has no hope at all of becoming a human being without further intervention. One must not confuse the existence of a chance of becoming a human being with actually being human. The tissue can be likened to organs taken from a lately deceased person for transplant. Neither the organ nor the tissue is dead; it is human tissue but it is not human. One may say the same of sperm, for instance, every sperm must be protected that is available for the reason that it might, under circumstances where other things have to happen, become a human. That is practically the same thought. What has to happen there is that the sperm has to meet with an egg to fertilize that egg, which then has to be looked after. What has to happen with a 5-day-old ball of cells in which the egg and sperm have previously met is that it after that has to be implanted in a woman and stay there for nine months. In both cases nothing is going to happen unless other things are brought into play. It is a very strong view that it is not being talked about a human, rather about human tissue that will with the intervention of others, and only with the intervention of others, has the chance of becoming human. A parent’s right must be supported to demand that any of these untouched fertilized eggs be left untouched for afterward use or not be used for research. Very few, if any, parents who have had the advantage of the IVF program would refuse the chance for spare fertilized eggs to be used. They themselves turned to the wonders of science to give them what apparently nature was otherwise going to deny them, those who through the wonders of science have had what must have been their greatest dream realized would definitely not deny the chance for science to make better things for others. After all, how many fertilized eggs at varying stages of development were used in the IVF programs to get to the point where one could have a successful IVF program? †¦ [7] Some supporters of this bill do not deny where one is now with the science. He just wants science to have the opportunity to take him to further and better places. One cannot say that there is no practical application of this now, so not do the research. That is the equal of saying to a child that you are not permitted to swim in the pool until you have learned to swim. How can one possibly refuse to do research on the basis that he does not have the researchers’ outcomes? One can not get those outcomes until he proceeds with the research. So, again, one must be very much on the side of proceeding with stem cell research. Some of the objections which have their foundation in a religious view held by their proponents. Living by a decent set of values is far more vital than defending the doctrine of one church over another. If you lead a good life and if there is a kingdom of heaven you will be welcome into his or heaven. Your religion is your business and no-one else’s. When you make your religion an issue, you drag it into the political domain and you tarnish it. It follows that we attach very little importance or interest to arguments over religious dogma. Similarly, we do not turn to the state to legislate for one religious view over another. Without doubt, we can clearly see the risks of adopting a view that your religion is the right one and the rest of the world must be converted. This point is quite simple: each to his own religion. If you say to one that doing something is against God’s will, then he will respond by assuring you that, if God is annoyed, God will punish whoever has done that thing. The state should never be used as God’s enforcer. Over the years, as we have been approaching 50, we can assure you that we have every confidence in God’s capability to settle accounts. It has not been our experience that he or she usually waits until you are dead. Numerous people who have done the wrong thing have met their maker in a practical sense while they were still alive[8]. In brief, we are talking about fertilized eggs that are in the freezer. They have not the slightest chance of becoming human unless they are accepted by the mother to be carried for 9 months. We are talking about fertilized eggs where that is not the case. The outcome is that they are either going in the bin or going to be used for the betterment of mankind. My other proposition is that we cannot now say whether the science is good or bad. We do not know where the science is going to take us. Science of itself is not fundamentally good or bad; it is what we do with it that will make that case. We have to understand that the benefits of this research may take years to come. That merely makes us say: start more quickly. We simply ask those who, due to their religious beliefs, have a very authentic concern regarding this bill to accept that they are entitled to follow their religious beliefs; they are not entitled to demand by legislation that everybody else does the same. References: Adil E. Shamoo, David B. Resnik. Responsible Conduct of Research; Oxford University Press, 2003 Daniel Callahan. What Price Better Health? Hazards of the Research Imperative; University of California Press, 2003 John Harris. On Cloning; Routledge, 2004 Sandra Braman. Biotechnology and Communication: The Meta-Technologies of Information; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004 Thomas Kemp. â€Å"The Stem Cell Debate: A Veblenian Perspective†; Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 38, 2004. [1] Daniel Callahanpg 55 [2] John Harris, pg 90 [3] Daniel Callahan, pg 67-69 [4] Thomas Kemp, pg 6 [5] ibid [6] John Harris, pg 78-79 [7] Sandra Braman, pg 105 [8] Adil E. Shamoo, David B. Resnik, pg 210

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Government Intervention in the Workplace and Economic Development Essay

In a free economic system, the decisions made by the buyers and decisions made by the suppliers, determine equilibrium prices and levels of output, in a free market. Scarce resources are thus allocated according to the competing pressures of demand and supply. An increase in demand of a product, signals the producers to increase the supply of the commodity, as potential profit levels increase so as to meet the increased demand. The working of a free market mechanism is a strong tool which has been used in determining allocation of resources among competing ends (Riley, 2006). There exists an increased claim that when issues, and policies are left on their own economic devices rather than instigating a state control on them, it would result to a more harmonious and equal society with increase in economic development. This concept is based on the liberal theory of economics which was first believed to be formulated by Adam Smith. It proposes a society where there is minimal government intervention in the economy. When government intervenes in workplaces, does it result to economic development? This is an issue of contention between various economists, and we shall look at both the advantages and the disadvantages of government intervention in working places and the effect on economic development (Mishra, Navin & Geeta, 2006). The government has various goals and it may intervene in the price mechanism, in order to change resource allocation, with a view to attain a specific social or economic welfare. The government intervenes in the free market system so as to influence allocation of resources in ways that will be favorable in meeting their goals. These goals might include correcting a market failure, achieving a more equitable wealth distribution in the economy, or general improvement in the performance of the economy. These interventions however come with a certain cost on the working of economic systems (Mishra, Navin & Geeta, 2006). Government has continually set rules and regulations that govern conditions and operations in work places. These rules and regulations, may affect supply or output of a certain commodity. We shall examine different areas that the government has intervened in work places and its consequent effect on the economy. It is in order for government to intervene as it has multiple macro-economic goals of achievement of economic development, full employment, and price stability, among others. These goals sometimes are contradictory as the achievement of one goal affects the attainment of the other (Brux, 2008). Price controls In various work places the government can impose price controls. There are two forms of price controls which can be imposed by the government. The government can impose high prices for certain goods which are referred to as floor prices. This is a price that is set in which a commodity cannot be sold below this price. Consumers are thus required to pay high prices for these commodities regardless whether the demand is low or otherwise. It ensures that the income by the producers of these commodities is higher than they could have otherwise obtained in a deregulated market (Petkantchin, 2006). The other type of price control is what is referred as price ceiling. It is a price that is set by the government, whereby suppliers are not allowed to exceed this price. It is an incentive to ensure that needy buyers or consumers can obtain this commodity at a lower price. This control is mostly found in the main utilities such as telecommunications, water, gas and others. Free market economists argue that this control increases the burden of costs to businesses which damage their competitiveness as a result of huge amount of red tape (Riley, 2006). When prices are freely set by the market, they easily regulate the economy. Producers are able to determine which products are highly valued and preferred by the consumers, they help them ascertain the management methods and technologies which will produce the greatest economic well being. Firms therefore attain incentives in order to innovate, integrate desired management skills in order to produce the desired commodities. Prices are also good indicators of the availability of resources. If the price of a commodity increases as a result of shortage, it signals the producer that, the there is a need to cut back on wastage of that resource, and efficient use of it. In general terms, prices enable economic players to enhance the most efficient use of scarce economic resources. When the government controls prices, whether in form of a price floor or a price ceiling, then it becomes a disadvantage to the economy (Petkantchin, 2006). The government requires that in order for a certain business to be conducted, a license is necessary. This is a form of government intervention in work places, since it creates barriers to entry for potential competition. According to Brux (2008), licenses are issued to ensure that customers are protected from inferior quality goods and services. Licenses however, are harmful to these consumers when they are a requirement of the law. This is because they reduce the availability of a certain commodity or service in a particular area, more so when there is a quota on the number of licenses to be issued. It is also detrimental to the well being of the consumers when the license fees are so high that smaller competitors cannot afford. This limits entry to a certain market which can be a way of creating monopoly. Prices charged on the commodity are higher than when there is a more liberal market. This affects the economic well being of a nation. The government also intervenes in work places by the use of fiscal policies. It alters the level and the pattern of demand for a particular commodity in the market which has its consequences in economic development. One such policy is the use of indirect taxes on demerit goods. This includes goods such as alcohol, tobacco consumption among others. Their consumption comes with a certain cost on the health or the general welfare of the consumer. The government induces such taxes, in order to increase the price and thereby increase the opportunity cost of consumption. Consumer demand towards such commodities decreases. This intervention means that these industries would not perform at their optimal point. They reduce their production so as to cater for the reduced demand of their commodities. It is a compromise on full employment that macro economic policies try to achieve, and as a result lower the level of economic development (Brux, 2008). Employment laws that govern businesses have been put in place by the government. They are a form of government interventions that also affect economic development. In the employment law, the government offers some legal protection for workers by setting the maximum working hours or setting the minimum wages to be paid to workers. Organizations are thus controlled in form of wages paid to workers, which should have otherwise been left to be determined by the competitive laws of labor demand and supply. The effect of this intervention is an increase in the amount that an organization spends on wages. There is also a limitation that is placed by the government in form of working hours. This acts to curtail production levels which have a negative effect on the GDP. The profitability of the firm is also affected by increasing its operation costs. This reduces organizational profits that would have been used to increase the level of organizational investments (Riley, 2006). When the government pays subsidies, it intervenes in the work places as it will obtain the money from businesses and public borrowing. This is an increase in public expenditure which means that the government has to increase the interest rates in order to attract funds from investors. Increase in interest rates has negative effect on businesses. This is because the cost of borrowing finances for investments increases which reduces the overall profitable ventures that are available for the business. The overall activity of business is thus curtailed or in more general terms the level of investment in the economy decreases. A decrease in the level of investment reduces the aggregate demand which inhibits economic development (FunQA. com, 2009). Government intervention is sometimes in form of tariffs. The government intervenes in imported products by imposing high taxes on them. They do this in order for the government to earn income and protect the local industries. When a consumer consumes these goods, he/she pays high prices for them which make the consumer worse off. The consumer is thus forced to consume less of other products and services. In the macro economy, the effect is to reduce demand of other goods and services which will make the economy to be worse off. This government intervention has a negative impact on economic development (Pearson Education Inc. , 2010). It is very common for both the small and big businesses to call in the government so as to protect them. Small businesses requests the government to offer them less regulation while increase the same on the big businesses. They also ask for fair pricing laws which act to hurt the consumers. Pricing laws keep prices for commodities high, since they come in form of price floors and hurt efficient competitors. This is because efficient competitors are capable of offering the same commodity in form of quality and quantity at a lower price but the law by the government prohibits such. Competition is thus hindered to a greater extent as prices are maintained at a high level. If the commodity in question is an essential commodity, it would results to inflation which has adverse effects on economic development (Brux, 2008). Market Liberalization The government sometimes uses its power in order to introduce fresh competition into a certain market. This will happen in the case where the government breaks the monopoly power of a certain firm. It ensures that competitors can penetrate the market which enhances the quality of products and services which are offered to the consumers. It introduces a more liberal economy, where the market is not controlled by one player who dictates on the prices and the level of output. These are the laws of competition policy, which act against price fixation by companies and other forms of anti-competitive behavior (Riley, 2006). Other benefits that arise from government intervention include correction of externalities. Externalities can be defined as the spill over costs or in some cases benefits. Externalities make the market to operate in a level that the amount of output and the level of production are not at a socially optimal level. When there is a lot of corn being produced, the law of demand and supply will mean that price has to decrease as supply exceeds demand. When the government allows the price of corn to decrease beyond a certain level, the producers of corn will be at a loss which will de motivate further production of corn. In such circumstances, the government intervenes by the use of price floor where price would not go below that limit. Leaving the market forces to adjust the price and output will socially affect some sectors of the economy and as such lead to the welfare of citizens being worse off (Pearson Education Inc. , 2010). Another reason as to why the government intervenes in the economy is to correct market failures. Consumers sometimes lack adequate information as to the benefits and costs which come from the consumption of a certain product. Government thus imposes laws that will ensure that the consumers have adequate information about the products so as to improve the perceived costs and benefits of a product. Compulsory labeling that is done on cigarette packages is one of those legal concerns that give adequate health warnings to cigarette smokers. It is a way in which the government protects its citizens from exploitation and harmful habits that would affect them in the long run. This might have a short term effect in form of decreased profits on Tobacco manufacturers, but long term effects on improved health of consumers and a saving on future medical expenses (Riley, 2006). According to Riley (2006), it will be known that government intervention does not always result into the plans and strategies set or prediction by economic theory. It is rare for consumers and businesses to behave the way the government exactly wanted them to behave. This in economics has been referred to as law of unintended consequences which can come into play in any government intervention. This would have negative consequences on the economic level since inappropriate policies would mean negative effects and influence. The market is able to maintain itself in equilibrium through price mechanisms and other economic factors. When the government intervenes, it affects this smooth operation of the market and this may lead to either shortages or surpluses. The effect becomes worse when the government relies on poor information in making these interventions in workplaces. The effects might be expensive to the administration of businesses, and the interventions might also be disruptive to the operations of the business if these interventions are major and frequent. It might also remove some liberties (Pearson Education Inc. , 2010). Government interventions in workplaces should not be aimed to create great changes in the market. The conditions prevailing in the economy should be well reviewed and analyzed. This will ensure that threats that can damage the economy have been identified and measures against such taken. It would be of great advantage if government interventions are designed to facilitate the smooth working of the economy rather than implementing a new and a direct control over the market. They should be assessed on whether they lead to a better use of scarce resources, whether fairness is being upheld in the intervention and whether the policy enhances or reduces the capacity of future generations in improving economic activity (Riley, 2006). Conclusion Some economists believe that with perfect competition, there will be no need for any government intervention. Is it therefore wise to leave the economy to the doctrine of laissez-fare where there is no control or intervention by the government? As much as there exists some negative effects on economic development due to government control, the benefits which accrue as a result of controlled government intervention would be under no circumstances be compared with the risks that would accrue when the government adopts the liberal economic structure. References Brux, J. (2008). Economics Issues and Policy. 4th ed. Ohio: Cengage Learning FunQA. com, (2009). Economics: Advantages and Disadvantages of Government Intervention? Retrieved 21 May 2010, from http://www. funqa. com/economics/92-Economics-2. html Mishra, R. Navin, B. & Geeta P. eds. (2006). Economic liberalization and public enterprises. ISBN 8180692574 Pearson Education, Inc. (2010). Reasons for government intervention in the market. Retrieved 21 May 2010, from http://wps. pearsoned. co. uk/ema_uk_he_sloman_econbus_3/18/4748/1215583. cw/index. html Petkantchin, V. (2006). The Pernicious Effects of Price Controls. Retrieved 21 May 2010, from http://docs. google. com/viewer? a=v&q=cache:mYXWxJC6EpMJ:www. iedm. org/uploaded/pdf/avr06_en. pdf+Price+controls+and+their+effects&hl=en&gl=ke&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShvcqptHKj3Y_Mrxy5hhG7resIp_Y7FVbxWwhBqmLTBqzdSn3hvuXLutFYW9m1uRWom_D5InOy5G5Jp5AMTuCoFxKA-Rj-1tbrOA0PrnDz5VOBbruMR2HYdYcYm-SLf5Oq_aZBm&sig=AHIEtbTFfKO-NWp1d5bX2HTlouAB_gP1fQ Riley, G. (2006). Government Intervention in the Market. Retrieved 21 May 2010, from http://tutor2u. net/economics/revision-notes/as-marketfailure-government-intervention-2. html

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Art of Stained Glass essays

The Art of Stained Glass essays Many artists place the art of stained glass into the category of minor art. To some artists, the action of making stained glass is a craft, but the final product is viewed, not only as a work of art but also an expression of the artist, the subject they were presenting, and the architecture that held the stained glass. Labeling art as a craft is an insult to the artist; it is a nice way of saying the art is mediocre. The art of stained glass takes an acquired vision. The manufacturing of stained glass windows is extremely labor intensive and costly. It combines skills used in painting and architecture to create a new, eye pleasing art form. In this paper I am going to prove that stained glass is truly art by describing and comparing the works of art in the Cathedral of St. Julien du Mans with other stained glass windows. The art of stained glass came from the Norman and Early English styles. Accidental varieties of color arose from the crudeness of methods of glass manufacturing which originated the idea of applying color to glass. The Cathedral of St. Julien du Mans was built between the 11th and 13th centuries. Stained glass belonged wholly to the Christian era. During this time there were no stained glass designers. The Medieval and Byzantine attitude towards the artists was not respectable and they were often taken for granted. They belonged to an accepted order of things. Some artists were the creators the glass and some constructed the windows. To this day, great stained glass artists of the11th-15th centuries can not be named like the artists of paintings and architects. Stained glass artists had great talent, but at the time, were viewed simply as creators of windows and not as the talented artists they were. Artists simply developed and expounded a fundamentally traditional form of art. During the 11th 15th centuries there were many great aspects of stained glass that made...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Early Development of the Nazi Party

The Early Development of the Nazi Party Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party took control of Germany in the early 1930s, established a dictatorship and started the Second World War in Europe. This article examines the origins of the Nazi Party, the troubled and unsuccessful early phase, and takes the story to the late twenties, just before the fateful collapse of Weimar. Adolf Hitler and the Creation of the Nazi Party Adolf Hitler was the central figure in German, and European, history in the middle of the twentieth century, but came from uninspiring origins. He was born in 1889 in the old Austro-Hungarian Empire, moved to Vienna in 1907 where he failed to get accepted at art school, and spent the next few years friendless and drifting around the city. Many people have examined these years for clues as to Hitler’s later personality and ideology, and there is little consensus about what conclusions can be drawn. That Hitler experienced a change during World War One - where he won a medal for bravery but drew skepticism from his fellows - seems a safe conclusion, and by the time he left the hospital, where he was recovering from being gassed, he already seemed to have become anti-Semitic, an admirer of the mythic German people/volk, anti-democratic and anti-socialist – preferring an authoritarian government – and committed to German nationalism.   Still a failed painter, Hitler searched for work in post-World War One Germany and found that his conservative leanings endeared him to the Bavarian military, who sent him to spy on political parties they considered suspect. Hitler found himself investigating the German Workers Party, which had been founded by Anton Drexler on a mixture of ideology which still confuses to this day. It was not, as Hitler then and many now assume, part of the left wing of German politics, but a nationalist, anti-Semitic organization which also included anti-capitalistic ideas such as workers rights. In one of those small and fateful decisions Hitler joined the party he was meant to be spying on (as the 55th member, although to make the group look bigger they had started numbering at 500, so Hitler was number 555.), and discovered a talent for speaking which allowed him to dominate the admittedly small group. Hitler thus co-authored with Drexler a 25 Point program of demands, and pushed through, in 1920, a change of name: the National Socialist German Workers Party, or NSDAP, Nazi. There were socialist-leaning people in the party at this point, and the Points did include socialist ideas, such as nationalizations. Hitler had little interest in these  and kept them to secure party unity while he was challenging for power. Drexler was sidelined by Hitler soon after. The former knew the latter was usurping him and tried to limit his power, but Hitler used an offer to resign and key speeches to cement his support and, in the end, it was Drexler who quit. Hitler had himself made ‘Fà ¼hrer’ of the group, and he provided the energy – mainly via well-received oratory - which propelled the party along and bought in more members. Already the Nazis were using a militia of volunteer street fighters to attack left-wing enemies, bolster their image and control what was said at meetings, and already Hitler realized the value of clear uniforms, imagery, and propaganda. Very little of what Hitler would think, or do, was original, but he was the one to combine them and couple them to his verbal battering ram. A great sense of political (but not military) tactics allowed him to dominate as this mishmash of ideas was pushed forward by oratory and violence. The Nazis try to Dominate the Right Wing Hitler was now clearly in charge, but only of a small party. He aimed to expand his power through growing subscriptions to the Nazis. A newspaper was created to spread the word (The People’s Observer), and the Sturm Abteiling, the SA or Stormtroopers / Brownshirts (after their uniform), were formally organized. This was a paramilitary designed to take the physical fight to any opposition, and battles were fought against socialist groups. It was led by Ernst Rà ¶hm, whose arrival bought a man with connections to the Freikorps, the military and to the local Bavarian judiciary, who was right-wing and who ignored right-wing violence. Slowly rivals came to Hitler, who would accept no compromise or merger. 1922 saw a key figure join the Nazis: air ace and war hero Hermann Goering, whose aristocratic family gave Hitler a respectability in German circles he had previously lacked. This was a vital early ally for Hitler, instrumental in the rise to power, but he would prove costly during the coming war. The Beer Hall Putsch By mid-1923, Hitler’s Nazis had a membership in the low tens of thousands  but were limited to Bavaria. Nevertheless, fuelled by Mussolini’s recent success in Italy, Hitler decided to make a move on power; indeed, as the hope of a putsch was growing among the right, Hitler almost had to move or lose control of his men. Given the role he later played in world history, it is almost inconceivable he was involved with something that failed as outright as the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923, but it happened. Hitler knew he needed allies, and opened discussions with Bavaria’s right-wing government: political lead Kahr and military leader Lossow. They planned a march on Berlin with all of Bavaria’s military, police, and paramilitaries. They also arranged for Eric Ludendorff, Germany’s de facto leader throughout the later years of World War One, to join in. Hitler’s plan was weak, and Lossow and Kahr tried to pull out. Hitler wouldn’t allow this and when Kahr was making a speech in a Munich Beer Hall – to many of Munich’s key government figures - Hitler’s forces moved in, took over, and announced their revolution. Thanks to Hitler’s threats Lossow and Kahr now joined in reluctantly (until they were able to flee), and a two thousand strong force tried to seize key sites in Munich the next day. But support for the Nazis was small, and there was no mass uprising or military acquiescence, and after some of Hitler’s troops were killed the rest were beaten and the leaders arrested. An utter failure, it was ill-conceived, had little chance of gaining support across German, and may even have triggered a French invasion had it worked. The Beer Hall Putsch might have been an embarrassment and the death knell for the now banned Nazis, but Hitler was still a speaker and he managed to take control of his trial and turn it into a grandstanding platform, aided by a local government who didn’t want Hitler to reveal all those who’d helped him (including army training for the SA), and were willing to give a small sentence as a result. The trial announced his arrival on the German stage, made the rest of the right wing look to him as a figure of action, and even managed to get the judge to give him the minimum sentence for treason, which he in turn portrayed as tacit support. Mein Kampf and Nazism Hitler spent only ten months in prison, but while there he wrote part of a book which was supposed to set out his ideas: it was called Mein Kampf. One problem historians and political thinkers have had with Hitler is that he had no ‘ideology’ as we’d like to call it, no coherent intellectual picture, but a rather confused mishmash of ideas he had acquired from elsewhere, which he melded together with a heavy dose of opportunism. None of these ideas were unique to Hitler, and their origins can be found in imperial Germany and before, but this benefitted Hitler. He could bring the ideas together within him and present them to people already familiar with them: a vast amount of Germans, of all classes, knew them in a different form, and Hitler made them into supporters. Hitler believed that the Aryans, and chiefly the Germans, were a Master Race which a terribly corrupted version of evolution, social Darwinism and outright racism all said would have to fight their way to a domination they were naturally supposed to achieve. Because there would be a struggle for dominance, the Aryans should keep their bloodlines clear, and not ‘interbreed’. Just as the Aryans were at the top of this racial hierarchy, so other peoples were considered at the bottom, including the Slavs in Eastern Europe, and the Jews. Anti-Semitism was major part of Nazi rhetoric from the start, but the mentally and physically ill and anyone gay were considered equally offensive to German purity. Hitler’s ideology here has been described as terribly simple, even for racism. The identification of Germans as Aryans was intimately tied into a German nationalism. The battle for racial dominance would also be a battle for the dominance of the German state, and crucial to this was the destruction of the  Treaty of Versailles  and not just the restoration of the German Empire, not just the expansion of Germany to cover all European Germans, but the creation of a new Reich which would rule a massive Eurasian empire and become a global rival to the US. Key to this was the pursuit of  Lebensraum, or living room, which meant conquering Poland and through into the USSR, liquidating the existing populations or using them as slaves, and giving Germans more land and raw materials. Hitler hated communism and he hated the USSR, and Nazism, such as it was, was devoted to crushing the left wing in Germany itself, and then eradicating the ideology from as much of the world as the Nazis could reach. Given that Hitler wanted to conquer Eastern Europe, the presence of the USSR made for a natural enemy. All this was to be achieved under an authoritarian government. Hitler saw democracy, such as the struggling Weimar republic, as weak, and wanted a strong man figure like  Mussolini  in Italy. Naturally, he thought he was that strong man. This dictator would lead a Volksgemeinschaft, a nebulous term Hitler used to roughly mean a German culture filled with old fashioned ‘German’ values, free of class or religious differences. Growth in the Later Twenties Hitler was out of prison for the start of 1925, and within two months he had started to take back control of a party which had divided without him; one new division had produced Strasser’s National Socialist Freedom Party. The Nazis had become a disordered mess, but they were refounded, and Hitler started a radical new approach: the party could not stage a coup, so it must get elected into Weimar’s government and change it from there. This wasn’t ‘going legal’, but pretending to while ruling the streets with violence. To do this, Hitler wanted to create a party which he had absolute control over, and which would put him in charge of Germany to reform it. There were elements in the party which opposed both these aspects, because they wanted a physical attempt on power, or because they wanted power instead of Hitler, and it took a full year before Hitler managed to largely wrestle back control. However there remained criticism and opposition from within the Nazis and one rival leader,  Gregor Strasser, didn’t just remain in the party, he became hugely important in the growth of Nazi power (but he was murdered in the Night of the Long Knives for his opposition to some of Hitler’s core ideas.) With Hitler mostly back in charge, the party focused on growing. To do this it adopted a proper party structure with various branches throughout Germany, and also created a number of offshoot organizations to better attract a wider range of support, like the Hitler Youth or the Order of German Women. The twenties also saw two key developments: a man called Joseph Goebbels switched from Strasser to Hitler and was given the role of  Gauleiter  (a regional Nazi leader) for the extremely difficult to convince and socialist Berlin. Goebbels revealed himself to be a genius at propaganda and new media, and would assume a key role in the party managing just that in 1930. Equally, a personal bodyguard of blackshirts was created, dubbed the SS: Protection Squad or Schutz Staffel. By 1930 it had two hundred members; by 1945 it was the most infamous army in the world. With membership quadrupling to over 100,000 by 1928, with an organized and strict party, and with many other right-wing groups subsumed into their system, the Nazis could have thought themselves a real force to be reckoned with, but in the 1928 elections they polled terrible low results, winning just 12 seats. People on the left and in the center began to consider Hitler a comic figure who wouldn’t amount to much, even a figure who could be easily manipulated. Unfortunately for Europe, the world was about to experience problems which would pressure Weimar Germany into cracking, and Hitler had the resources to be there when it happened.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

''See Assignment Criteria'' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

''See Assignment Criteria'' - Essay Example It will also recommend strategic moves which can improve Caterpillar’s performance over the next decade. The predecessor of Caterpillar was the Holt Caterpillar company which was established by Benjamin Holt in 1909. Caterpillar was formed in 1925 when market leader Holt Caterpillar merged with C L Best Gas Tractor Company. The merged entity consolidated its product lines, shifted from gasoline engines to diesel engines, and continued to grow at an even pace even during the Great Depression. During the Second World War, Caterpillar’s products were widely used by the construction units of the United States Navy in the Pacific theatre of war for construction of airfields and other facilities. After the end of the war, the company grew rapidly on the back of the construction boom. Caterpillar used acquisition as a major vehicle for growth from 1950 onwards. Its first major acquisition was Trackson, based in Milwaukee. Over the year, it has acquired companies throughout the globe in order to drive up its sales. During the 1980s, the company was threatened by a decrease in demand because of heightened competition with its Japanese rival Komatsu. Moreover, US embargo against USSR also harmed the company because the company was all set to sell equipments worth millions of dollars to the USSR. The results of these losses were lay-offs and labour union issues subsequently. Caterpillar, in response to strike called by its unionized workforce, farmed out much of its production and warehousing to outside firms. It also started shifting its facilities to Southern states where labour laws were more favourable for non unionized workers. In the late 1990s, Caterpillar was hurt by the Asian crisis. It had to close down Caterpillar Shanghai Engine, a joint venture with the Chinese government owned Shanghai Diesel. In 2000, it received loans worth $29